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2009-02-11 1.29 am
Renata Garcia []
Hello from Brazil! Thanks for your nice words about my website. Hugs! |
2009-02-07 11.27 pm
Karl-Heinz Bartel []
Hello from Denmark, |
2009-02-07 7.59 pm
Zita []
Hello Etery. Thank you for visit my website. Your cats are very very beautiful. Good luck in your breed and show. |
2009-02-07 7.22 pm
Alex and Sonja []
Hi Etery, Thanks for visit my Site. |
2009-02-07 1.57 am
Cordonnier Eliane []
Le Palais Persan du Domaine de Néphelyne vous remercie pour votre visite sur le site et vous felicite pour vos beaux chats . Le Palais du Domaine de Persan Néphelyne thank you for your visit to the site and congratulate you for your beautiful cats. |
2009-02-05 4.46 pm
Marina []
Hello Etery! |
2009-01-30 11.30 am
Mariel []
Félicitations pour vos superbe chat.Un coup de coeur pour votre petite tortie que je trouve fabuleuse. |
2009-01-30 12.56 am
Bea []
Hello from the Netherlands, It was a great pleasure to visit your website, you have magnificant cats and I like your male kitten(Blue/white) very much! I wish you all the best for the future with showing and breeding. Many greetings, Bea |
2009-01-20 1.50 pm
Svitlana Kutuzova []
Hi, Etery! Congratulations for your website. It”s very nice. Your cats are gorgeous with a sweet and lovely expression. |
2009-01-10 4.45 pm
isabelle []
bonjour s est avec grand plaisir que je viens de visiter votre site ,sinceres felicitations et vos adorables petites merveilles je vous souhaite pleins de beaux bebes et d enormes succés futur ,mais aussi une bonne et heureuse année 2009 |
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